"I am most anxious to enlist every-one who can speak or write to join in checking this mad, wicked folly of 'Women's Rights,' with all its attendant horrors, on which her poor feeble sex is bent, forgetting every sense of womanly feelings and pro-priety. Feminists ought to get a good whipping. Were woman to 'unsex' them-selves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings and would surely perish without male protection."Queen Victoria of England, 1870
Check the link above to make sure that she is NOT a woman who will falsely accuse you of rape or violence. Many experts believe that one in four women will file false allegations in their lifetime under the law as it stands now. Go to REGISTER-HER.COM before you get entangled in something that will be harder to get out of than a third date....
What Feminists Are Saying About Objectify Chicks! (conversations from Twitter)
"this tweet made me really sad: "RT @objectifychicks: Join our new Anti-Feminism Forum! http://opposingfeminism.ning.com" "obviously they do not know my angry lesbian feminist status in the world. those people DISGUST me!" "seriously. I want to kick and punch and kick and punch. Sadness turned to anger. Time to blare Alanis."
"you're too sweet... and I envy you. This blog is driving me f-ing INSANE."
"Link: disgusting? Yes, I think so. I'm angry. http://tumblr.com/x3h1urf38" (follow the link to Objectify Chicks!)
"Um, wow, can we bring this guy down please? @objectifychicks Never thought I'd see the tag 'anti-feminist.'"
------------ "UH! This creepo ANTI-FEMINIST dude mentioned me on his twitter, here's his blog, warning it's insane: http://objectifygirls.blogspot.com/ "
"@objectifychicks Srsly? Of all the stupid shit you could say stupid shit about...."
"This is the most offensive, misinformed bull@#$% ever written!" (I asked this particular feminist to show me which part of my blog was misinformed. Obviously, I never got a response.)
* NOTE: Before reading the next comment, please visualize a 300 pound female smoking a cigarette while cruising a lesbian dating site, simultaneously frothing at the mouth and having a seizure. It will help....
"You are so ignorant! Women are stronger, more educated, and more employed than men! You are intimidated by TRUE STRENGTH" ------------
"that is so depressing to read"
"u devote ur twitter & blog 2 demeaning women openly & proudly ! The world would b better w/out u !"
Same femtard....
"and because ur arguments are based on lies, sexism and hate I dont see the point in arguing w/ u."
Same femtard, continuing the argument that there is no point in continuing....
"wanna read some really f***ed up sexist sh*t! check out @objectifychicks and his deplorable blog...."
Obviously, at this point she is crossing the line into love for me....
"I COULD argue with you but its futile to argue with someone who isnt using any logical arguments !"
Same femtard, now in a transparent attempt to get me to give her my phone number....
"yea im pretty sure that more ppl reading ur heinous blog will make more ppl realize how wrong you are.
And it continued - same femtard - and all of the above took place within about 8 minutes. So we went from taking offense, to love for me, to sheer obsession in about 8 minutes time. Lesson: Even femtards can't resist the raw sexuality of a dude putting them in their place! ___________
An interesting pair of tweets, wouldn't you say? Pots and kettles - but nevermind. Feminists will never be morally developed enough to get the irony here.... Oddly, they will never get the irony even though the following two tweets are consecutive. Morality and logic are not feminist traits, to say the least.
@butterflymkmhobjectifychicks also reported u to blogger for hatespeech & sent your ads screenshots so they can see who they are paying. Good luck!
I am a relationship expert both by experience and training. Our culture teaches self-centeredness, suspicion, power struggles, feminism, and dozens of other maladaptive attitudes and behaviors. To have any hope at all of a long-term relationship, we all have to unlearn what Oprah has taught us.
“Rape is such a serious crime that deliberately bringing a false accusation of rape should be an equally serious crime and women are not being punished for those crimes. I believe that being falsely accused of rape is as traumatic as being raped.” Alan Dershowitz
Foundational Concepts
Believing those who cry rape destroys the foundation of the Western legal system, which is a presumption of innocence. The burden of proof is on the accuser, not the accused.
Jeffrey W. Tripp
Attorney Lisa Scott on "Domestic Violence"
"Domestic violence has become whatever the man does that the woman doesn't like. Finding out she is having an affair and demanding she stop is seen as 'abuse.' This often triggers the woman to file for a restraining order, where no real evidence is required. In my 18 years of family law practice, I have seen this pattern occur over and over."
False Allegations Are Immoral
"You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." Exodus 20:16 (NKJV)
"Depart from evil, and do good.... For the LORD loves justice." Psalm 37:27-28 (NKJV)